Quick Guide to Consumer Video Cameras

As a professional video production company, people ask us all the time, “What’s the best video camera?” Usually people ask because they want to buy one for themselves, but it’s important to remember that cameras can be used in several different ways and no camera is a catchall for every situation. Depending on who you are and what you want to capture, this guide will help you figure out which camera is best for you.



Who is it good for?
Parents, Students, Filmmakers, Aspiring YouTube Stars, Hipsters

Why’s it so great?
You can carry around a full HD camera in your pocket, and then edit your footage on the same device. Welcome to the future. The iPhone has a great camera that’s perfect for most applications. Birthdays, videos for class, stalking celebrities, storm chasing, someone’s even shot a short film on their iPhone. It’s the perfect camera to catch what’s happening in the moment.



Who is it good for?
Extreme Sports Junkies, Filmmakers

Why’s it so great?
GoPros are awesome. You can stick them on anything and get awesome views. They’re tough, they’re portable, and they’re cheap. And they allow you to experience human flight.

Canon 5D/T2i


Who’s it good for?
Filmmakers, Aspiring YouTube Stars, Students, Hipsters

Why’s it so great?
Video DSLRs are one of the greatest advances to independent filmmaking in years. They give filmmakers complete control of their image, and allow interchangeable lenses for a fraction of what other cameras with the same functions cost. You can shoot almost anything with this camera and it’s going to look great.

The RCA CC 275


Who’s it good for?

Why’s it so great?
C’mon. Don’t you need a giant ironic camera to let everyone know that you think you’re super cool? “Look how degraded and vintage the footage looks! Everyone’s going to think I’m creative now!”