Video production for academic institutions can feel remarkably repetitive. It’s almost like there’s one standard formula to academic ads: show a few people in lab coats looking at beakers, throw in a few wind farms, followed by people taking notes in class and TADA! The perfect academic spot.
Tyler Junior College wanted to be different. They wanted to create a piece that was more about their target audience, and had a totally different tone and personality than their competitors. These spots, concepted by Andrew Van Wyk and directed by Andrew Disney, blend humor and sincerity into a fun “hodge-podge symphony” that crescendoes with our character’s decision to attend TJC.
Our challege was to compress the first 20-ish years of someone’s life into one minute. We wanted the spot to have a mixed-media collage feel, because when we look back on our first 20 years, that’s how we remember them.
It’s fun. It’s poppy. And it’s got a breakneck pace.
TJC was an amazing group to work with. They were willing to take some creative risk on the spot, and do something totally different than they’d ever done before. It was a fun creative challenge, so thanks TJC for trusting us to help with it.

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